Alfred S. Mercer


Louisiana Tech University

90 College Credit Hours (Senior, more than enough credits for an associates degree)
Major: Technical Writing, Minor: Computer Science

Technical Courses

I have taken many Progress 4GL classes on programming in WebSpeed and the 4GL GUI environments as well as a multitude of training courses from Microsoft and others. I also attend programming users groups whenever possible as well as any other programs available to further my knowledge on subjects relevant to my career.


United States Navy
Highest rank: Third Class Petty Officer


2009 – Present

Disabled / Retired
Shreveport, LA

March 2004 - 2009

Charlottesville, VA

Sr. Programmer/Analyst responsible for development and maintenance of WebSpeed and Progress GUI applications and the conversion and maintenance of legacy ASP and HTML based intranet and internet applications to WebSpeed.

June 2000 – February 2004

Brass Eagle, Inc.
Bentonville, AR

Created and maintained a secure B-to-B web portal using Progress WebSpeed v3, 4GL v9, JavaScript, ASP and VBscript, which included Order Entry, order status, invoice status, Ship-To maintenance, Item Parts Lists, user-updated contact information etc. interfaced with our progress based business system in real time. I also generated checks, business forms and reports using Progress 4GL and Optio (a high-level form and report generation program). Reports were also produced in Adobe PDF, MS Excel and Text formats using Progress 4GL. Wrote and maintained various programs in both character and GUI Progress. I wrote conversion applications, form programs and maintenance applications when the company converted its Business system from a Character system (MXP) to a modern Graphics system (FrameWorx). Wrote and maintained translations and custom applications between our business system to and from our EDI system in both the Windows and UNIX environments. I provided assistance to users with software and hardware problems. Served on the New Product Ideas Team and consulted with developers on new products. Acted as company liaison to our Owners Group as well as arrange and moderate Internet chat sessions between the company’s Officers and Engineers with the members of the owners group.

August 1997 – May 2000

Allied Building Stores, Inc.
Monroe, LA

Administer an NT 4 network and all of our Internet/Intranet servers and applications. Maintain all of our servers (including SCO UNIX) and PC's (approx. 120) and handle all hardware and software related items, perform daily backups and file restorations as needed. Created, Administer and maintain the company web site (closed to the general public) which uses the Progress Database system, WebSpeed and JavaScript to generate dynamic HTML pages using the information in our CISAM and Progress Relational databases based on who is logged on and what is requested. Write application software using the Progress 4GL interface as well as VisualBasic 6.0. Prepare and give presentations and clinics on the operation of our communications systems to our dealers. Create and administer all user accounts on both NT and SCO UNIX. Set up, Administer and maintain multiple inter-connected TCP/IP networks including Firewalls, switches, hubs and wiring. Evaluate and purchase both Hardware and Software.

October 1995 - August 1997

R-S-H Engineering, Inc.
Monroe, LA

Maintain approximately 150 PCs on a Novell network consisting of mirrored 4.1 SFT3 main servers and 6 sub-servers using 4.1 and 3.12 connecting 5 offices in Monroe, LA. and several others across the US. Create and maintain Network Objects (Users, Groups, Objects) and set access rights for same, perform daily backups and file restorations as needed, set up and maintain dial-up network access. Perform all aspects of hardware and software maintenance and upgrades on our Networks and PCs. Administrate our BBS and Internet sites. Create Organization Charts and business letters. Order and receive computer related materials as well as evaluate software and hardware.

August 1991 - October 1995

Louisiana Tech University, College of Engineering
Ruston, LA

Administrate and maintain Civil Engineering network. Assist with College of Engineering network administration and maintenance. Maintain DOS area of University Internet FTP site. Maintain computer and lab equipment for Civil and Chemical Engineering departments. Install, configure and maintain software. Assist the faculty, staff and students in the use of various software and hardware. Evaluate, recommend and order software and hardware for Civil and Chemical Engineering departments. Work with Internet, Unix, Novell, LANtastic, TCP/IP, Quattro Pro, Lotus 123, WordPerfect (Windows & DOS), Windows, DESQview X-Windows, dBase, Clipper and various other software products used by the university. Create various database programs for internal use using Visual Basic, MS Access and other Object oriented languages. Design, build and maintain various mechanical and electrical devices for lab use. Program MS Access database and reports used in multi-million dollar State study of injuries and fatalities on Louisiana highways.
Network Experience:

Internet & BBS:

I have designed, created, and maintained both commercial and personal web and BBS sites using HTML, JavaScript, ASP, WebSpeed, FTP, Web Browsers, Telnet, and E-Mail since the 80's. I mainly integrated local relational database resources with Intra/Inter-Nets using Progress Webspeed, ASP, PHP, HTML and JavaScript as well as creating Dynamic HTML pages using data from Progress relational databases.


Windows was my primary working environment and I have been a Windows user and administrator since version 3. I have integrated NT, 2000 and XP and earlier workstations and servers into multi-server, multi-protocol networks and installed, configured and administrated RAS Services for dial-up client services.


I set have up DOS and Windows PC workstations on a Campus-wide PC/TCP UNIX network at Louisiana Tech. These installations consisted of running the cables (both twisted pair and thin coax), installation and configuration of Ethernet cards, and the installation and configuration of Ethernet and network software as well as the day-to-day maintenance and use of the resources available both locally and on the network. At A.B.S., I assisted in the day-to-day user administration, maintenance and upkeep of the SCO-Unix system. At Brass Eagle, I had root access and worked in the UNIX environment to create and maintain programs and update/modify databases.


(Versions 2.x to 4.1 SFT3):
Set-up, maintain and administer servers and workstations, run and terminate cable, install outlets, install and configure repeaters, set access rights to network, install configure and maintain shared resources, install configure and maintain diskless workstations, configuration and support of dial-up networking (nodes and remote control) and perform system backups and restorations.


Primary Skills:

Progress WebSpeed v3, Progress 4GL v9 (character and GUI), HTML, SHTML, PHP and JavaScript.

Secondary Skills:

ASP, XML, MS Access, MS Word, MS Excel, WordPerfect Macros, ProComm Scripts, Clipper, dBase, DOS Batch Files, and Basic (a through Q).

References available on request

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